Honlet Legum Arbitration garnered 6 individual rankings in its inaugural year in the newly released Chambers Global (2022) international arbitration rankings. Chambers’ rankings are exclusively prepared on the basis of client and peer-feedback.
Jean-Christophe Honlet garnered 2 rankings, in the French and Europe-wide categories.
Barton Legum garnered 4 rankings, in the French, Europe-wide, Africa-wide and Global Market Leaders categories.
Chambers reported that Honlet, according to sources, “has a razor sharp mind”, “is strategic, efficient and gets straight to the point” and that “his oral advocacy is amazing.”
It reported that Legum, according to sources, “is outstanding with regards to strategic matters; he anticipates the opponent’s counsel and the arguments they will make, and he identifies the steps to take in response to those arguments”, is “a really serious expert with a deep, grounded understanding of arbitration,” adding that “he has a wonderful demeanour and is a great advocate.”
The full rankings can be consulted at https://chambers.com/law-firm/honlet-legum-arbitration-global-2:23376201