Honlet Legum Arbitration co-hosts panel on “The Future of Investment Arbitration: a Conversation with Meg Kinnear, Toby Landau KC and Professor Alain Pellet”

Honlet Legum Arbitration co-hosts panel on “The Future of Investment Arbitration: a Conversation with Meg Kinnear, Toby Landau KC and Professor Alain Pellet” 150 150

Honlet Legum Arbitration co-hosted with Laborde Law an event during the Paris Arbitration Week entitled “The Future of Investment Arbitration: a Conversation with Meg Kinnear, Toby Landau KC and Professor Alain Pellet”.  This panel of leading lights in the field addressed a number of questions, including the 2022 amendments to the ICSID Rules and Regulations, double hatting, the new generation of disputes and investment treaties, whether a Multilateral Investment court and Multilateral Agreement on Investment may emerge from the current debates within UNCITRAL Working Group III – and many others.

A video recording of the panel is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeVoWnmJTk4.